our center
Modern Dental Centers
At Modern Dental Laboratory USA, our goal is to provide you with personalized support and outstanding service – that’s why we are building a dedicated network of Modern Dental Centers throughout North America. These centers are your gateway to local dental lab ordering and support. With advancements in technology resulting in far greater restorative choices, our Modern Dental Centers work directly with you in customizing the right solutions for you and your patients.
Each Center is your local resource for education, technical expertise, and the support you need to successfully manage and embrace new innovations. We’re more than just any local dental lab.
At every Modern Dental Center, you’ll find that Quality, Customer Care, and Value come together to make us the Total Solution for you and your patients.
Modern Dental Centers are your resource for:
Consultation & Case Planning
Custom Shade Matching
CAD/CAM Design
Technical Support
Continuing Education